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LOMADtv is our firm’s exclusive video broadcasting platform.
Since 2016, our firm has regularly produced and published educational video content pertaining to NYS Workers’ Compensation Defense. If you can think of a workers’ comp topic, we’ve likely made a video on it!
The Legal Scoop is one of our firm’s educational video series where host Brendan T. Shannon interviews our firm’s attorneys about recent victories in their Workers’ Compensation case.
Gotta love those sweet, sweet wins!

Melanie’s Minutes is our firm’s educational video series where host Melanie Daly offers insight on a new Workers’ Compensation topic each month. With each episode, Melanie is making waves and rocking the workers’ comp boat!
LOMAD Animated Series is a monthly video series hosted by Associate Attorney Leonardo Lampret. Leonardo simplifies complex concepts in claims and conveys information in a visually engaging way, making it easier for those in the industry to understand and remember key points.

Each month, our firm’s esteemed editor, Associate Attorney Melanie A. Daly, collaborates with her editing team to publish a monthly newsletter, titled “LOMAD Magazine.”
Every issue covers a variety of topics in the world of workers’ compensation, highlighting historical cases and sharing updates from the NYS Workers’ Compensation Board. There are even articles about the latest firm events and biographies of our attorneys and staff!