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The Law Offices of Melissa A. Day is looking for talented people to join the “LOMAD” team. If you feel like this is you, then we encourage you to apply now!

Send a resume and cover letter to Careers@madwcdefense.com to begin the process! You can see our list of benefits below.

What do our employees say about working at LOMAD and the management?

Employee to Supervisor:

“I wanted to take this opportunity to thank you all for allowing me to work with and for you.  I really do love this firm, and I believe I do “bleed LOMAD blue” as someone put in the new letter this month.  It is exciting to know that you all have developed enough trust in me to be able to grow and learn everything this firm is about and what we do for our clients, as well as entrusting me with more leadership responsibilities.  I couldn’t ask for a better place to have as my first civilian ‘big girl career.'”

“For the future I hope I can uphold the standard that you all want and that I do not disappoint you in my job performance.

Employee to Supervisor:

“…and in case I don’t say it enough, I so appreciate everything you guys do for us!!! When I applied for this job, I applied on a whim at around 4:00 am. I knew nothing about workers’ comp and didn’t even know whether I’d be interested, but I really felt like I knew you forever at that interview and I really wanted the job after I met you! You have become family to me and I’m so grateful you gave me the opportunity to work with you! Thanks for everything you do for us. You really do make it so easy to stay motivated because I truly feel so appreciated.”

Employee to supervisor:

I wanted to tell you that it brings me so much joy being a part of your team here. The field of law you specialize in is certainly fascinating to me, but it’s not solely this line of work that uplifts me. The culture you’ve created here, the commitment to excellence in both your product and the quality of delivery, the emphasis on camaraderie and collaboration…I’m really amazed.

I wanted to share this today because I had been thinking about the fact that I’ve only been back one week and already made so many great memories! (and learned a ton!) I’m proud to be your employee and I am grateful to contribute to this company. Thank you for everything!

Employee to Supervisor:

“Thank you both for making this a great place to work… Great leadership makes for eager, useful, and happy employees and the leadership I have experienced here is the best. I’m very grateful for you allowing me to grow with your firm!”

Employee to Supervisors:

“A little more than seven years ago, Melissa thought she might need a “part time” staff member. She put some feelers out, and those feelers found me through an attorney I used to work with (who may have had an inkling that I was unhappy where I was).

I had a great phone interview with Melissa and then a fantastic in-person interview. During the in-person interview, I met James, who accused me of taking a shower, dressing too nice, and possibly being too nice to work for them. It was effortless; the conversation, the banter, the atmosphere.

After those interviews, I made the life-altering decision to give notice to my then employer. It was an easy decision to make, as I had been unhappy there for a LOOONG time.

When I was hired (full time, by the way), there were five attorneys and three staff members (including me) – 8 of us. We now have 35 employees in total (including our fearless leaders). It’s not very often that you get in on the “ground floor” of a company. I am so thankful to have had – and continue to have – the opportunity and privilege to witness both the growth and the growing pains. It has been the most incredible ride!

Melissa and James – thank you for taking that chance seven years ago in welcoming me into your work family! I said it earlier to Melissa, and I’ll say it again (because I mean it): I’ve loved you for seven long years!”

Employee to Supervisor:

“Seeing your response (and your email) honestly helps me to understand some things I’ve seen at your firm that I found baffling. Attorneys who are respectful to legal staff? A supervisor who checks in on his employees? Staff climbing over each other to take the blame for a mistake? How eerie… I’ve had a rather short career, but it seems like cultivating this kind of work culture starts with leadership.

So thank you for your work.”

Employee to Supervisors:

“Thank you! It’s not about the money (but it is) but you are both great bosses.

I don’t know what our new employee did and didn’t tell you, or what his/her former employer did or didn’t, but I know through the grapevine that our new employee’s experience was really bad there. When I heard he/she was looking, our new employee took some convincing to even apply because he/she wanted nothing more to do with comp. I told our new employee how great you both are as employers. About the culture you created. And that the reason I stayed in comp when I really wanted to pursue other employment was because of the awesome vibe I got from the firm. And how that vibe was correct.”

Check Out All Our Benefits

Paid Time Off (PTO)

The firm offers Paid Time Off for all new hired employees. Employees who work at least 30 hours per week, accrue 10 days of PTO per year to start, with the option to “borrow” time. Additionally, non-exempt employees may request that all remaining PTO time as of December 31st, be brought back by the firm, with approval from the managing attorney.

Exempt employees are entitled to 15 days of PTO per calendar year.

Sick Time

Even before NY mandated sick leave, LOMAD gave its employees time off for illness and other needs. Each employee is entitled to 5 days of sick time in accordance with NY Sick Leave.


The firm offers 10 paid holidays: New Year’s Day, Martin Luther King, Jr., Presidents’ Day, Memorial Day, Juneteenth, Independence Day, Labor Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day.



The Law Offices of Melissa A. Day offers a competitive 401(k) plan that all staff and attorneys are eligible to participate in on the first day of the quarter following 90 days of employment with a 6% employer match for 6% employee contribution.

Health Care Benefits

The firm currently provides local full-time staff and attorneys health coverage at no cost to the employee. Preventative health care services covered full in-network and hospital cash benefits.

  • Vision Plan: The firm provides full-time staff and attorneys vision coverage at no cost to the employee.
  • Dental Plan: The firm provides full-time staff and attorneys dental coverage at no cost to the employee.
Short and Long Term Disability Benefits

The firm provides full-time staff and attorneys short-term and long-term disability benefits at no cost to the employee. Short-term disability begins after 7 days of the date of disability. Long-term benefits for up to age 65, or, if under age 60, on the date disability begins.

Life Insurance

The firm provides full-time staff and attorneys life insurance benefits and accidental death benefits at no cost to the employee.


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