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DID YOU KNOW? A chiropractic variance request based on alleged functional improvements and expected continued improvements may not be granted if the chiropractor continues to find that the claimant is totally disabled.

A chiropractic variance request based on alleged functional improvements and expected continued improvements may not be granted if the chiropractor continues to find that the claimant is totally disabled despite the alleged improvements. In Hudson Valley DDSO, 2013 NY...

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CLAIMANTS WHO HAVE A 0% LWEC, LOSS OF WAGE EARNING CAPACITY, ARE ENTITLED TO 225 WEEKS OF CAPPED PPD BENEFITS. In more than one Board Panel Decision, including Wegmans, 2012 NY Wrk. Comp. 32313, G003 2313 and Great Meadow Correctional, 2012 NY Wrk. Comp. 114439, G011...

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Successful Disallowance!

This was a controverted claim by an employee for an alleged injury to the left knee. The issue for litigation which ultimately led to a disallowance of the claim was causal relationship. The claimant claimed to have injured his knee while working. The claimant did not...

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